Open dental youtube
Open dental youtube


The provider’s scheduled availability will be displayed in yellow below the pinboard, Quickly enter any scheduling restrictions, then select the day to jump to it in the calendar. Make sure your provider schedules are in place, then use the Make Recall or Fam Recall buttons in the appointment view to quickly schedule the selected patient/patient and family members for their recall. Starting in version 18.1, there will be a prompt (when certain conditions are met) to create a Planned Appointment for the highest priority care. Click here to learn how Planned Appointments improve appointment scheduling efficiency, and ensure patients get scheduled for the care they need. If you’re not already using Planned Appointments, you’re missing out on one of the most efficient ways to plan for and schedule treatment planned care. Go to the Chart module > Planned Appointments tab For unused quick adds, select them and click the “Hide” button. TECH TIP: Once you’ve added Quick Adds, you can reorder them using the arrows. See more on Appointment Procs Quick Adds here. If you have common appointment groupings that differ by adult or child, simply create one Quick Add for the set of adult procedures, and another for the set of child procedures. Frequently performed procedures can be charted, treatment planned, and attached to that appointment with a single click. This list shows up when you create a new appointment. Go to Setup > Definitions > Appt Procs Quick AddĪppointment Procs Quick Adds are single procedures, or a set of procedures, you often attach to an appointment. TECH TIP: When you set up Appointment Types, be sure to check “New appointments prompt for appointment type.” This will prompt the person making the appointment to select an appointment type from the list you’ve created. See more on using Appointment Types here.


  • Color code a specific type of appointment for an easy visual reference.
  • In some cases, this may replace your Appt Procs Quick Adds.
  • Have one or more procedures attached to the appointment (it will chart the procedures and attach them to the new appointment automatically).
  • open dental youtube

    Have a custom appointment length (when an appointment length is specified, it overrides the usual appointment time calculation based on procedures attached to an appointment).Using Appointment Types, the appointment can:


    Go to Setup > Appointments > Appointment Types.Īppointment Types are a powerful tool that make manual appointment scheduling a breeze!

  • Web Sched (Web Sched New Patient, Web Sched Recall, and Web Sched ASAP).
  • In this post, we’ll explore 5 great tools available to you in Open Dental to make the appointment scheduling process more streamlined, efficient, and in some cases, completely automated!

    open dental youtube

    Appointment scheduling is a process that’s (hopefully) done over and over again in your practice.

    Open dental youtube